Larry Hirschhorn

Larry Hirschhorn is Larry is a retired management consultant and lecturer. He is the founder and principal emeritus of CFAR, a management consulting company, and of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. He is the author of several books on organizational psychology. Larry wrote the music and lyrics for Grieving Aaron and co-wrote the text with Beth Criscuolo, the director of Grief: A Love Story. The musical was performed once at the Venice Island Theater in Philadelphia on April 29, 2022.

Larry's upbringing in Washington Heights, New York City, was shaped by his parents' experiences as Holocaust survivors who immigrated to the United States after the war. His siblings, a testament to their resilience and creativity, include his brother Norbert Hirschhorn MD, an award-winning physician, researcher, and published poet, and his sister, Linda Hirschhorn, a composer, performer, and cantor.

Grief: A Love Story draws its inspiration from Larry’s childhood milieu, an orthodox Jewish neighborhood, in Washington Heights in the 1950s.