Other Member Funding Opportunities


AJT provides support for new and innovative Jewish theatre by offering grants to theatre-makers/theatres to support new work in the field that has potential to reach audiences at either established Jewish theatres or theatres committed to shepherding their work.

Besides our annual Regranting Program, we sometimes have additional funding opportunities.


Please read on for current opportunities.

Potential New Grant Opportunity for Member Theatres

As we explore the possibility of a grant for our member theatres, part of the process is collecting information of potentially interested member theaters who meet the criteria below. 
If you would like to be considered for this grant, please look over the criteria below, and then fill out the form. MEMBER THEATRES MUST MEET ALL CRITERIA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS GRANT.
Awards range from $5,000- $10,000, depending on the theatre’s annual operating budget.  This form is due by June 28, 2024.  The grants will be awarded in 2025.  We hope this becomes an ongoing opportunity so if your theatre is not eligible for this first year, we expect there will be the chance to re-apply in the future.  
Criteria for an AJT Member Theatre to be considered:
· Must be a registered 501(c)(3).
· Must be in operation for at least 10-plus years.
· Must be an AJT member in good standing for the past 5 consecutive years.
· Must pay all artists- directors, actors, designers, etc. – some kind of wage for all  projects and productions.
· Must create works/plays/programming with demonstrable Jewish content.
· Must program a minimum of three plays a season.
Please see form below for details.