AJT Programs and Events


Upcoming AJT Events 

To view All Events including those added by our members, please view our Calendar.


AJT Fall and Winter Events Graphic (2)


with Gwydion Suilebhan & Steven Gimbel

Thursday, February 27th at at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 4pm Pacific via Zoom

1 hour


At the turn of the 20th century, a great wave of immigration hit Ellis Island like a tsunami, depositing two million Jews on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Poor, tough, scarred by the tyranny they fled from, and deeply disadvantaged by the antisemitic America they arrived in, they spent the next hundred years working toward a sense of true belonging in their adopted home. Throughout that struggle, Jews used comedy to challenge the status quo, speak truth to power, grease the skids of social acceptance, and express their full pride and humanity. In this talk about Punching Up, their work in progress, AJT board member Gwydion Suilebhan and his co-author Steven Gimbel will tell the story of how comedians earned Jewish Americans a meaningful place in the nation’s cultural fabric.

Free for Members. $18 for Non-Members. 


From Esther to Today (1)


Thursday, March 27th at at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 4pm Pacific via Zoom

1 hour


Celebrate Purim and Women’s History Month with an inspiring conversation on Jewish women’s voices in theatre! Join us for a dynamic panel of artists exploring the stories, struggles, and triumphs of Jewish women on and off the stage. From historical influences to contemporary challenges, our panelists will share their journeys, discuss representation, and reflect on the power of storytelling. Be part of the conversation and help shape the future of Jewish theatre—register now!


Free for Members. $18 for Non-Members.








AJT MEMBER Monthly Meet-Ups!

UP NEXT: Tuesday, March 11th at 7pm Eastern/6pm Central/4pm Pacific - via Zoom, 1 hour

Hosted by Becca Meyers, multi-hyphenate theatre Artist, Producing Director of the San Diego Jewish Arts Festival and AJT Board Member


Our Monthly Meet-Ups are a chance for Members to connect in a virtual space.

What’s on your mind? What are you celebrating? What industry questions do you have? What New Year’s Resolution do you want to share?

Bring topics to talk about or just come to listen and uplift.

For current members only.



Recent Past Events

In some cases, recordings are available for our members who missed the event. Please reach out if you'd like a recording.


Can theatre be too jewish

PANEL DISCUSSION: Can Theatre Be Too Jewish?

Thursday, January 30th at 7pm Eastern/6pm Central/4pm Pacific - via Zoom, 1 hour


 “That play is too Jewish for our audience.” “If we produced it, the Hebrew would have to go.” AJT President and Theatre Ariel Artistic Director Jesse Bernstein has heard responses like these many times over the years. So he decided to convene a few people for a discussion of what makes a Jewish play too Jewish to produce. Would the same comments be made about other culturally-specific plays? What is the value in including things in a play that an outside group wouldn’t understand? How should artists respond to this issue?


Panelists include: Ali Viterbi (playwright), Becca Myers (writer/producer/performer)


Free for Members. $18 for Non-Members. 









Expanding The Canon Graphic AJT

EXPANDING THE CANON: National Convening

AN IN-PERSON EVENT, Hosted by Theater J

Sunday, February 2nd at 1 pm EST, at Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center / Theater J, 1529 16th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 


Presented with the Alliance for Jewish Theatre and Moment Magazine

Sponsored by the Covenant Foundation, CANVAS, and the Leshowitz Family Foundation, Terry Singer.

Six playwrights from across North America have been working for three years on writing new plays that center around the stories of ethnically and racially diverse Jews, part of Theater J's Expanding the Canon initiative sponsored by the Covenant Foundation. Theplaywrights will convene in Washington, DC at the Edlavitch DCJCC on Sunday, February 2 at 1:00 PM to showcase excerpts from their new plays. The playwrights will participate in a panel discussion hosted by Moment Magazine, and a dessert reception will follow sponsored by the Alliance for Jewish Theatre. 


Attend with your fellow colleagues and friends from The Alliance for Jewish Theatre.

Tickets available at the link below.




To view Theatre Events added by our members, please view our Calendar.

Theatremachers Program

A Fellowship for Young Theatremakers ages 18-36 involving skill-building workshops with industry professionals, hands-on development labs where artists workshop their work, and a showcase to premier and celebrate their work.  

AJT Regranting Program

AJT will provide support for new and innovative Jewish theatre by offering grants to theatre-makers/theatres to support new work in the field that has potential to reach audiences at either established Jewish theatres or theatres committed to shepherding their work.

AJT Member Theatre Apprentice Program

Through a generous grant from Canvas, AJT is able to offset the honorarium fee for apprentices to work at Member Theatres. We have a pool of qualified applicants waiting and ready - our AJT Theatremachers!



AJT is starting a new regional ambassador program to better support our members. Learn who your Ambassador is, and connect with AJT artists and theaters near you!


On The Bimah

On The Bimah (formerly known as Theatre Schmooze) is a monthly podcast where we chat with Jewish theatre makers from around the world about their art, Judaism, and vision for theater’s future. 

Monthly Plays & Playmakers Group Gatherings

Led by a special guest each month, theatre artists can meet and network. RSVP for our next upcoming meeting below.


Members have access to our opportunity listing. Those seeking theatre professionals can post their job opportunities, and our members can apply for those opportunities.


Seeking an Artist?

Those searching to find an artist to collaborate with or hire should post their needs to the form below, and a member artist who is suitable will be able to access the posting, and apply.



Enjoy all of AJT's programs by becoming a member today